MOZILLA 'Misinfo Nation'


In today’s media climate, it’s becoming harder and harder to tell what’s real and what isn’t. Every day, we’re bombarded with (mis)information that’s trying to change the way we think about our government, our leaders, and even each other. But while it may seem like we’re living in a world divided, the truth is out there — and we have the ability to vote and shape our world based upon it.


Made for Mozilla
Directed by Stuart Langfield
Production - KIDDO
Story - Marco Patricio & Stuart Langfield
Writer & Researcher - Marco Patricio
Cinematographer - Alexa Wolf
Editor - Jennifer Mackie
Music - Jim Guthrie
SFX & Mix - Ryland Haggis
Art Direction & Animation - Stuart Langfield

Featuring Scott Shane, Emily Thorson & An Xiao Mina